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JtP: [優莉] Side Profile

Preamble: [This is a JP→EN Song Translation Post] 優莉 (Yūri / Tsunchaka) will be releasing a full album titled 「なないろメモリー」!!!For those who have seen my previous translation post of her song of the same title (なないろメモリー), this particular song 「よこがお」(Side

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Posted in Anime, Songs, Translation

Anime Thoughts: Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san

The last time I wrote an anime review was eons ago, and it was a bite-sized one. I hope I still have what it takes to write an anime review, however amateurish it is. I’m still going to keep the

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Posted in Anime

JtP: [優莉] Nanairo Memory

Preamble: [This is a JP→EN Song Translation Post] For a while now, I’ve been listening to cover songs from this singer 優莉/Yūri on youtube. I initially found her from her cover of Jin’s recent song releases this year. She sings

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Posted in Anime, Songs, Translation

!Pop-Sup : Guess what just happened

And here I was some time ago, doing a translation-attempt of a fan-created song (Separate link so you can just listen to the song and skip my TL ping-back) based off a very big “What If..” possibility, should the manga

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Posted in Anime, Random Surprises

Anime Thoughts (Bite-Sized): Rec

Back in January I did a couple of Bite-Sized thoughts-reviews as time was a little bit of a concern. I intended to do it for 3 different anime series, but I couldn’t get to the last one in time. So

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Posted in Anime

Anime Thoughts: Blend S

Hey everyone, when the summer heat gets in the way, do you take cover in the shade or make a dash to the nearest air-conditioned indoor environment, or perhaps take refuge at a cafe like Starbucks and order a nice

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Posted in Anime

Anime Thoughts: Inuyashiki

On some days when you wake up, you may feel like you are not yourself. I mean… You know you are you, but then you aren’t exactly sure if that you is the real you. Confused yet? Well then, that’s

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Posted in Anime

Anime Thoughts: Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e

Conventionally people say “Absence makes the heart grows fonder”. Somehow my fondness for watching anime didn’t seem to grow in the time I sealed them away during my studies. (Maybe it means that I am at maximum fondness???) Anyways, I

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Posted in Anime

Anime Thoughts (Bite-Sized): Soutai Sekai

This time, let’s take a glimpse at a more recent bite-sized ONA (I’m sure you all know what it means, but just for introduction’s sake, ONA == Original Net Animation). Just like Denpa Teki na Kanojo, Soutai Sekai has 2

Posted in Anime

Anime Thoughts (Bite-Sized): Denpa-teki na Kanojo

Pareto’s optimality dictates that given limited resources, given a choice of prioritizing between A and B, one cannot distribute their resources such that both options are made ‘better-off’. So here on _LiAM_, for the time being, weekly reviews shall be

Posted in Anime
Seasonal Quotes

“Just because you are doing something for someone else doesn’t make it right.

Kindness and beauty can sometimes become cruel.”


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Forget it, Jake. It's Chuunitown.

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"Consider, can the universe be justifiably called infinite? Doubtful. It may not have a discernible end, but it had a beginning and its component parts definitely have a limited cosmological shelf-life. Splitting hairs or not, if history tells us anything, it's that scientists often make very poor poets. We're all just a ship of fools chasing phantoms, heedless of what really underwrites natural law." - Okabe Rintaro

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The (Not-)Selected Writings of one Zeria


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The Last Tagline Was A Sexual Innuendo

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